WAUX on PancakeSwap!

Auxilium Global
3 min readOct 3, 2021


Auxilium cryptocurrency is listed on PancakeSwap. Better said: the wrapped token of Auxilium is listed on PancakeSwap. A wrapped token is a representation of the actual coin on a different blockchain. By doing this a different blockchain ecosystem can be leveraged; like for instance the decentralized exchanges within that blockchain. Auxilium is leveraging the Binance Smart Chain opening Auxilium up to traders on the PancakeSwap decentralized cryptocurrency exchange.

Below you’ll find some important pointers on this next step for Auxilium. It’s important for all holders, and future holders, to fully understand what the wrapped Auxilium token is, how it’s different from the Auxilium coin, etc.

What is the difference between AUX and WAUX?
AUX is the coin of the cryptocurrency Auxilium created on the Auxilium blockchain. Therefore it only communicates with the Auxilium network. AUX can’t be sent to another blockchain than Auxilium. WAUX is the wrapped Auxilium token, which is not on the Auxilium blockchain, but in this case the Binance Smart Chain. You can’t send WAUX to an AUX address, like you can’t send AUX to a WAUX address.

The only and official Wrapped Auxilium (WAUX) contract address
Be aware others can create a token called WAUX. There are no restrictions for creating multiple tokens with the same ticker symbol. To make sure you’re dealing with the WAUX representing AUX check the unique contract address: 0xb7b25bae2eeef9b1730c7f43a112294033c5fe2f
This information can also be found here: https://auxilium.global/waux

How can I become a WAUX holder?
There are multiple ways to get hold of WAUX.
The first is to buy WAUX on PancakeSwap. The Auxilium Team will start with the sale of x-amount of WAUX for x-amount of BNB (Binance coin).
If you’re holding AUX you can swap your AUX for WAUX. Ideally there would be a swap platform operating automatically. However, current circumstances don’t allow for this. There is a manual option for those wanting to convert 100,000 AUX or more. It’s not ideal, but at least we can enable the big Auxilium holders to contribute liquidity to PancakeSwap improving the health of the market on the decentralized exchange. As it’s a manual thus time consuming event we unfortunately can’t allow all people to swap manually. Ultimately we would have a swap platform ready for everyone to swap, but we chose to move on with the listing and grab what we can in terms of progress.

Adding liquidity to PancakeSwap
You’ll need to add the contract address of WAUX to find the token: 0xb7b25bae2eeef9b1730c7f43a112294033c5fe2f

How does the manual swap work?
The swap ratio is 1 AUX for 1 WAUX
The Auxilium Team will never contact you first about a swap!
Contact @asdaux on Telegram and ask for a manual swap. Please send the following details:
1. Amount of AUX you want to swap.
2. The WAUX address (this is a Binance Smart Chain address) you want the WAUX to be sent to.
You’ll be sent an AUX address to send your AUX. Once received you’ll receive the WAUX as soon as possible; and be notified on Telegram about this.

I still have AUX stuck on Mercatox, what to do?
It’s frustrating that Mercatox is not fixed yet. There is a very small percentage of AUX holders who have AUX stuck on Mercatox. For those who have bought 100,000 AUX or more on Mercatox there might be a manual solution; forwarding the coins. This requires a certain amount of trust between the Auxilium Team and the holder. Community Fundraiser participants and/or longtime holders might have the trustlevel required. Please message the CEO on Telegram @asdaux.

Can I swap WAUX back for AUX?
Yes, but as it’s a manual process there is a waiting period of 10 days between swapping AUX for WAUX, and WAUX back to AUX. Also for this exchange the minimum required WAUX is 100,000.

What about the interest distribution?
You’ll not be able to receive interest on WAUX. You can swap WAUX for AUX, and then receive interest on AUX through one of the supported wallets. https://auxilium.global/wallets/
We’re currently behind with the interest distribution.

Will WAUX be on Coingecko, and similar market cap pages?
The goal is to have WAUX listed under AUX as soon as possible. If this isn’t possible there will be a separate page for WAUX.

We hope this listing opens up more opportunities. But we’re also aware there is still a lack of automated framework.



Auxilium Global

A philanthropy hub with innovative and unique blockchain. Choose for Auxilium (AUX) cryptocurrency with PoA, smart contracts & AID platform. Choose for change.