Auxilium: the end of an era

Auxilium Global
2 min readOct 31, 2021

Dear, respected, Auxilium community,

On August the 8th 2021 I published a detailed letter ( explaining the situation of Auxilium and my (further) involvement. I set an evaluation deadline for the 1st of January 2022, and set a list of items we could still do without additional funding.

However, I was still depending on the rest of the team.
I listed Wrapped Auxilium (WAUX) on PancakeSwap, but then the next hurdle of a swap platform to swap WAUX for AUX came in sight. No solution was found. The vicious circle continued on all fronts.

This vicious circle has led me to pull the plug on the Auxilium cryptocurrency project and Auxilium Global as of today. I would like to refer to the publication of the 8th of August 2021 for clear context on the matter.

There never was just one type of Amazon, or one type of Google. There were many other great competitors, but in the end not only strong fundamentals lead to long term (financial) success. The same with cryptocurrencies. Thousands of serious crypto projects had to pull the plug.

For me, and the rest of the team, it’s healthy to close this chapter for Auxilium too. It goes without saying this has been a very difficult decision. It’s sad, but it also opens headspace for new opportunities; positive energy.

The only way the Auxilium project — with all its strengths — could be continued properly is a big investor picking up the project and being able to install a team and pay for multiple listings and marketing. We’re open to serious offers. Offers may be sent via email:

For those who invested in the Auxilium Community Fundraiser: please send me an e-mail to the above address so I can refund your amount invested in USD equivalent.

You’ll be informed about future events, like delisting the company, etc., via our socials. Hopefully a strong team — with necessary funds — can take over. Otherwise it’s definitely the end of an era for Auxilium.

It never feels like I’ve told everything I wanted, and I’m having trouble letting go. So, I’m restraining myself from writing and want to end with a final note.

Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology are the future. I’ve believed this from the start of this adventure. This crypto space is amazing. I’ve learned so much, and I’ve gotten to know community members with the heart in the right place. But I, and please do the same, have to never forget there’s so much more to life than “coins and tokens”. Thanks for those who supported me and the team throughout the past 4 years. I wish everyone the very best.

Kind regards,

MSc. Anton S. Donker
Co-founder and CEO
Auxilium Global
PS: I won’t be answering through anything other than my e-mail.



Auxilium Global

A philanthropy hub with innovative and unique blockchain. Choose for Auxilium (AUX) cryptocurrency with PoA, smart contracts & AID platform. Choose for change.