Auxilium soon listed on EscoDex

Auxilium Global
2 min readOct 24, 2018

Auxilium Global is busy behind the scenes to build a strong network of cryptocurrency partners. We had contact with multiple potential partners over the past month. One of them is the decentralized cryptocurrency exchange EscoDex.

We are happy to announce EscoDex has confirmed to list Auxilium (AUX) within approximately 5–10 days. We expect to be listed on Escodex in the first week of November 2018.

We also discussed the possibility for promotions on EscoDex and will hold at least one promotion on the exchange to stimulate community growth and trading volume.

About EscoDex
EscoDex is backed by a group of software developers. Their passion for technology, distribution systems and economy brought them to the cryptocurrency world.

They see decentralization as the key driving factor in the crypto-economy. That’s why the idea of a cryptocurrency exchange without a middleman taking a cut was created. EscoDex is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that supports trading services for multiple cryptocurrencies, aiming to create a service that is simple and easy for the everyday user. EscoDex provides a blockchain wallet service where consumers and traders can transact with multiple digital currencies.

Why buy Auxilium?
For those interested in why AUX would be a good buy, this article on CoinBeat is a good read:

Auxilium can already be traded on Mercatox and BiteBTC.



Auxilium Global

A philanthropy hub with innovative and unique blockchain. Choose for Auxilium (AUX) cryptocurrency with PoA, smart contracts & AID platform. Choose for change.