Auxilium Global closing its doors

Auxilium Global
3 min readFeb 23, 2022

Dear Auxilium community,

The past months you’ve read multiple publications (see Appendix II) about the current standings of Auxilium Global and my stance. I don’t feel the need to repeat myself, and won’t as I’ve communicated everything clearly in the past and want to make this publication a brief one.

In February, around the time the results of the questionnaire were published and the next steps were announced, a new (unexpected) bottleneck popped up. On the old development side things failed again, while I already was busy with a new development side to build certain elements to make a transition possible for a new era. Without both working a transition would be messy at the very best. Not something I would want.

Shortly after I took the time to evaluate this moment and how this affected me. I concluded this was part of a negative pattern that needed to be broken.

4.5 years ago I started this cryptocurrency company. I already decided, if Auxilium was to continue under the company banner, I would take a very distant role.
Today I’m past a distant role. Today I’m quitting and closing the company (see Appendix I for the implications).

I’ve always sacrificed way more than many people would over the past 4.5 years; with the community in mind. With tears on my cheeks, but with my head held high I’m leaving Auxilium cryptocurrency behind. I’ve always given the absolute maximum humanly possible, learned a lot and look forward to positive events.

I want to thank all the people who’ve supported and helped build Auxilium. Sometimes it was fun, sometimes tough and emotional, but above all a valuable experience.
A special mention goes out to James, even though unwillingly absent the past 2 years, was a fellow co-founder and has spent a lot of time and energy in building Auxilium in the beginning.
Olha, who stopped working at Applicature, and stayed on as a volunteer for the project.
Last, but certainly not least, my good friend Rick, who — in the later phases — supported me with development work and (for me) far more importantly supported me emotionally in tough times.

I wish everyone the very best.

For the last time: kind regards,

MSc. Anton Scott Donker
Former CEO and Co-founder of Auxilium Global

PS: I will not join any discussions on Telegram, it’s final. Please respect that.


What does this mean for Auxilium cryptocurrency (holders)?

From the 1st of March the following, but not limited to, actions will be set in motion:
- Delisting Auxilium Global as company;
- Pinned messages on all social media about the closing of Auxilium Global and its cryptocurrency;
- Everything Auxilium related remains (intellectual) property of Auxilium Global; and probably will be taken offline;
- All outstanding development tasks will not be finished;
- Liquidity will be removed from PancakeSwap.

The following will be accessible:
- The servers until 1st of May 2022 [no guarantee the network will be live for transactions];
- Telegram chat, in case community members want to start a swap initiative like I did in 2017;
- Coinmarketcap, and other sites Auxilium is listed on; as I know it will be very hard to list a new cryptocurrency initiative (without multiple exchange listings and 24-hour volume exceeding 50,000 USD). Senior community members (moderators within Auxilium Telegram) may — until 1st of May 2022 — contact me about a swap via I’ll not be available for any role within a potential team, but I could help with moving ownership from listing sites to a new development team.
- An already created Cardano Native Token called AUX (Auxilium) can be handed to a senior community member if a serious swap initiative is started and the community wants to swap to the Cardano blockchain;
- The wishes of the community concerning a continuation can be re-read in the previous publication.


7th February 2021 — Results questionnaire, and next step

14th December 2021 — The beginning of a new era

31th October 2021 — Auxilium: the end of an era

8th August 2021 — Letter from our CEO // must read



Auxilium Global

A philanthropy hub with innovative and unique blockchain. Choose for Auxilium (AUX) cryptocurrency with PoA, smart contracts & AID platform. Choose for change.